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Is Daycare Harmful?

                                                            by: Staff

"Does placing my child in daycare harm my child's development?"

Study after study shows that too much time in child care is not good. Children who spend early, extensive and continuous time in the care of non-relatives are more likely to have behavioural problems; problems such as aggressiveness and disobedience.

Also, the quality of care was found to be relevant, in terms of child care provider response and attention to your child's needs and how stimulating the child care environment. Obviously, low quality child care is very detrimental to your child and your own sensitivity to your children needs should be used to judge good child care. On the otherhand, high quality care has been associated with superior cognitive and linguistic functioning in children!

Find the right care and follow-up

As you might think, many preschool teachers are underpaid and overworked. They might start the day strong but after six hours or so, the level of care might not be as good. If you've read and filled our our child care checklist when you picked out your child's current provider, you might want to check in a couple of time throughout the day to see if the quality of care changes from morning hours to quitting time. If you have any reason to believe your child is not receiving the care they deserve, find another provider! Your child's welfare is your responsibility and you should do everything you can to assure the best care is provided to your child.

Social Skills are important too

It could be argued that not placing your child in some sort of child care would be harmful to their social skills and obviously this statement would be true! From a socialization stand point, daycare is ideal. For the perfect mix of social skill development and child development try to choose a child day care center that has an environment similar to your home environment. A good child care will be provide spacious room for play and enough structured time to enhance your child's learning and at the same time prevent your child from becoming bored at daycare.

Daycare size matters

Unfortunately, even a great daycare has turnover and that's where family child care is better. Many large day care centers change staff regularly and your child will receive excellent care one day but inadequate care the next. In contrary, family daycare is more consistent and rarely changes. Again, check-up on your child care provider often and ask questions as if your child just started. Knowing what goes on in daycare is your responsibility, not your child's. Keep your children safe at all time, perhaps suggest a daycare webcam to the child care provider. If they say no, maybe its time to find a new daycare?

Health and safety

Obviously, children are at higher risk of injury in daycare than staying at home. When a parent stays home with their child they can sometimes give one-on-one care where as in daycare, your child's attention will be divided with all the other children. Statistically, ear infections will increase by 75 percent and even serious health issues are sometimes easily passed around daycare environments. Always know your child care providers illness policy and make sure they enforce it! Also, know their safety awareness and look around everyday when you pick-up and drop-off your child. If you notice any safety concerns, bring them up with the child care provider. If they are unresponsive, then it's time to find a new provider, you can't be too safety conscious.

Family is the most important

Everything should be done in moderation and that includes child care. If you child spends the majority of his time in child care and not with his family, then, yes, it can be harmful. However, if your child only spends the absolutely minimum time required in child care and quality time is spend at home then daycare might not be so bad. Many types of research show that the family is the most influencial force in a child's life, so as long your child comes home to a loving family, then daycare will not matter as much. Give your child or children a hug and tell them you love them everyday. Family values dictate your child's behavior and THEIR values! Teach them to love and respect each other and give them lots of hugs and kisses everyday.

Is Child Daycare Harmful? does not in any way endorse or recommend any of the child day care listings found within its site, and cannot be held responsible or liable in any way for your dealings with them. provides this site as a directory to assist you in locating providers in your area, does not own or operate a child day care facility itself, and makes no representation of any of the listings contained within the top level domain We encourage that you look into any child care provider that you wish to place your children, and we provide this service only as a means of locating child care providers in your area. does not guarantee the accuracy of listings on its site. However we do strive to keep listings accurate.  Report errors here.
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